Decide which email address you want to use, and choose your GitHub username and password.
Every student has college email address (four letters of your Lastname, your First initial, and two digits)
but you may use another email address if you prefer.
For your GitHub username, you may also use the same name as your college email, followed by a dash and the course number. For example, our sixteenth president might use:
Github usernames are public (but you can pick a different one if you must remain anonymous!)
Go to and click to sign up for a free account.
Enter your GitHub username.
Enter your email address.
Create a secret password, and enter it twice.
(Don't forget your password!)
Later, you will receive an email asking you to reply and verify your email address.
Be be sure to send an email to,
telling me your real name, your GitHub username, and the email you used
(but NOT yout password).