////Anthony Porras - Project 4 - Array of integers. String title = "Project 4 - Array of Integers"; String help= "Press key with first letter of a function ('?' for help; 'q' to quit)"; String author = "Anthony Porras"; int[] z= {545, 29, 1021, 54, 68, 711, 38, 90, 246, 74, 360}; int many= z.length; void setup() { size(600, 400); } void draw() { background(191, 94, 252); if(keyPressed && key == '?') { help(); return; } fill(4, 51, 124); textSize(15); int then=18; //Display the numbers. float x=40, y=40; for (int u=0; u a[w]) w=u; } swap(a, w, m-1); } void swap(int p[], int a, int b ) { //Switch p[a] with p[b] int tmp= p[a]; p[a]= p[b]; p[b]= tmp; } void small( int b[], int m ) { //Move smallest number to beginning of the array. //(Swap, to keep all numbers.) int w=0; for (int u=1; u1; k--) { big( q, k ); } }