CST 112 Final -- INTRO
Five dogs race horizontally across the screen.

Making the Scene.

On a light-colored background, there is a thick green "Starting Line" 50 pixels from the left edge and a thick red "Finish" 50 pixels from the right. Display title in upper-right corner of the screen, with your name underneath.

At the start of each race, the five dogs are lined up at the starting line. (However, the player may "cheat" by clicking on any dog, to move it backward, before the race starts.)

The Race is On!

Dogs race across the screen, from the green "starting line" (x=50) toward the red "finish line" (x=width-50).

Motion of the dogs is controlled by clicking the "MOVE" button (or pressing the "space" key). Each dog advances horizontally, by a random number from 0 to 10. (There is no vertical motion for the dogs.) Try to animate the legs on each step (for extra credit).

Darn that mouse!!!

If the mouse clicks, while over a dog's rectangle, that dog turns around (facing to the left) and moves backward by a random number from zero to double its own width.

We have a winner.

The first dog to cross the finish line is the "winner". Draw a red circle around the winner when this happens, and display the following text in the middle of the screen:
		G A M E    O V E R 

Click "RESET" button (or press "r" key) to restart game, with all dogs at starting line, random sizes and colors.