Do not declare any variable names that begin with "fish" or "rifle" or "barrel".
See below for extra features.
For extra credit, add as many as you can.
Be sure to display the SCORE, as well as title and author of your sketch.
Before leaving class, upload to your folder, in file named: ""
- Add a second fish, which swims from right to left and has a different color.
- Second fish has same features as first,
but swims in opposite direction
- Be sure to check for bullets hitting both fish (and adjust the score).
- Keep track of total number of hits & misses; display totals beneath the score.
- Add your own creature that slowly moves back and forth along the top of the barrel.
- When you click on the creature, it jumps directly to the gun position and shoots.
- Add a small house and tree, somewhere outside the barrel.
- Add a dead fish at the bottom of the barrel.
Due by noon, Saturday, October 20th
Continue working on (and improving) your code, adding ALL of the EXTRA features (see above).
Upload takehome code to your folder, in a file named: ""
Sample code (for a more-complicated program) is available
Be sure you understand every line of code that you submit!
Do not copy-and-paste anyone else's code into your own code.