Starting with a copy of your Java code for Project #4
("Dog Race"),
add the features described below.
Additional features
for in-class exam (t4.pde):
Blue bird flies slowly, back & forth, above horizon.
Grass along horizon:
green blades 20 pixels apart.
Small red triangles every 100 pixels,
along the bottom,from start to finish,
Within each track, draw a red line & text
every 100 pixels:
to indicate distance:
100, 200, 300, 400, etc.
As dogs race,
draw a red circle around the leading dog.
// You may use code like this, to draw the red circle:
color( 0,0,0, 255 ); // Transparent fill.
ellipse( x, y, 50, 50 );
stroke(0); // Restore defaults.
Click the mouse near any dog
to move that dog back.
Add a button to drop a brown "bomb" from the blue bird.
If bomb gets near any dog,
send that dog back to the starting line!
See below for a summary of required features from Project #4.
Submit your completed code
as a file named "t4.pde"
in your folder on the website.
NOTE: Project #5 is due by
noon, Saturday, November 30th.
Required features from Project #4
A racetrack with three parallel tracks (horizontally).
In each track, a Dog
(a random amount)
whenever its button is clicked.
Each dog should be a different color,
and drawn with at least three shapes..
Four buttons are used to make the dogs move:
Three buttons have the name of a dog,
and are the same color as that dog. The fourth button moves ALL three dogs.
After the race begins, two small varmits
run back and forth between the tracks
(bouncing off the ends).
The title and author are displayed on the screen:
When a dog crosses the finish line, the winner's name is displayed.
Dogs and varmits should all display some sort of animation, as they move.