;; FIRST.ASM--Our first Assembly Language Program. This program ;; displays the line 'Hello, my name is Bill Jones' on the CRT screen. ;; ;; Program text from "Assembly Language for the IBM PC Family" by ;; William B. Jones, (c) Copyright 1992, 1997, 2001, Scott/Jones Inc. ;; INCLUDE PCMAC.INC .MODEL SMALL .586 .STACK 100h .DATA CR EQU 13 LF EQU 10 Message DB 'Hello, my name is Michael Sorrentino', CR, LF, '$' MessageA DB '', CR, LF, '$' MessageB DB '', CR, LF, '$' MessageC DB '', CR, LF, '$' MessageD DB '', CR, LF, '$' .CODE Hello PROC _Begin _PutStr Message _PutStr MessageA _PutStr MessageB _PutStr MessageC _PutStr MessageD _Exit 0 Hello ENDP END Hello ; Tells where to start execution