CST 131 -- Test #3 (takehome)
Due by midnite, Friday November 27

Create two VB forms, as described below:

  1. Form to select area and county

    When a radio-button is clicked, clear the list and then fill the list with lines from one of the following files:

    Do not read lines directly into the list. Instead, read each record into an array element, then copy from the array into the list.

  2. Form to create the "county" files

    Create a string array. (It may be global, and limited to no more than twenty elements.)
    Clear the textbox after each button is clicked.

		Long Island	New York City	Joisey
		Suffolk		Queens		Trenton
		Nassau		Brooklyn	North Jersey
				Manhattan	South Jersey
				Bronx		Airport
				Staten Is.	Swamps
						Atlantic City

Feel free to change the names of areas and counties.