
Emanuele Allegretta CST161 test #1

Test #2

  1. (B) equals bold
  2. (I) equals italics
  3. (U) equals underline
  4. (P) equals paragraph
  5. (SUB) equals subscript
  6. (SUP) equals superscript
  1. (INPUT TYPE= TEXT) text area
  2. (INPUT TYPE= RADIO) radio buttons
  3. (INPUT TYPE= CHECK BOX) check boxes
  4. (INPUT TYPE= PASSWORD) used for passwords covers characters with circles
  5. (INPUT TYPE= SUBMIT) displays a submit button to be displayed
  1. (TABLE) begins table
  2. (TR) begins row
  3. (TD) begins data cell
  4. (COLSPAN) expands cells across several columns
  5. (ROWSPAN) expands cells across several rows

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
© X2 Manny Allegretta
There are 5 types A a I i 1 There is no b2 because a2 has taken the a2 and b2 spot with colspan of 2 src width height alt border hspace=20 vspace=20
ã £ ¥ Ñ anchor http DNS Domain Name Service translates domain names to ip addresses
Elapsed time between Arpanet(1969) to WWW(1991) is 22 years onSubmit Server sends a response to Client Browser reads code and displays web page accordingly. No a web page can not change files on your hard drive
(IMG SRC="dog.gif"/) Hello (br) (b)Goodbye(/b)(hr/) Middle is between Top and Bottom. Center is between Left and Right