Illustrate the use of the "A" tag, to create hyperlinks, anchors, etc.
Be sure to include text to say what properties you are illustrating.
-- "tables.html"
Illustrate various features of HTML tables, including:
- Tables with different (horizontal) alignments.
- Tables with different values for CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING, WIDTH, etc.
- Different background colors and images for cells, rows, and the entire table.
- How to use CELLSPAN and ROWSPAN (to combine cells in various ways).
To illustrate these various features, you will need several tables,
but you may illustrate more than one feature in the same table.
Be sure to add TEXT to call attention to which feature(s) you are illustrating with your examples.
Forms, Javascript, and Perl
-- "forms.html"
Create a form that collects information from the user
and send it to the server.
Write an appropriate server-side CGI Perl script to process your form input,
and display a page whose content depends upon the input data from the form.
The HTML output of your server-side Perl script
should illustrate at least the following:
- Changing background color and/or background images of the page and/or some table cells,
based upon differnt input values.
- Examining the text of some inputs, and outputing different messages on the the page.A
- Performing calculations using inputs from the form;
display results on the output page.
You do not need a "Javascript Page"
-- just add javascript to pages, as described below.
- Add some "rollover" Javascript to the "images" page,
to change the mage sources, sizes, etc. if the mouse is hovering over iit.
- Add Javascript to change the page background color (or image), when the mouse is clicked over
certain image(s) or text.
- On the "Forms" page,
add Javascript to "validate" at least two of the inputs,
and to stop the form from being sent with "invalid" data.
Be sure to add text to explain (or call attention to) your Javascript examples.
-- "style.html"
-- (optional)
- Create another page, similar to your text markup page,
to illustrate the use of "STYLE" features to accomplish
similar changes to text caused by some of your markup tags.
If you prefer, you may illustrate STYLE features on the SAME page as your markups;
be sure to add text that says which ones effects are caused by TAGS and which by STYLE.
On your "LISTS" page,
add a STYLE block to specify a few DIFFERENT styles
for list items within nested lists
(such as an OL nested within UL, UL in OL in UL, etc.)
On your "IMAGES" page,
specify a dashed red line as the border of one image
and specify at least one other mage border using STYLE.