Dave Abelson
CST 161
Dave Abelson CST161 test #1
Test #1
Dave Abelson
- The i tag is used for italics
- The b tag is used for bold text
- The s tag is used to put a line through text
- The u tag is for underlining
- The center tag means it should be centered
- The color attribute in the font tag says what color the text should be
- The em tag italicizes
- The strong tag makes the text bold
- The super tag raises the text
- table
- td
- tr
- th
- tbody
- thead
- border
- bgcolor
- align
- width
- cellspacing
© |
X2 |
Dave |
Abelson |
1..10 (7) 11..15 16..17 (16) 18 A1..F1 A2..F2 A3..F3 A4..F4 A5..F5 A6..F6 1.5
Top JS Lists 3x3 colors table R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 sum
Abelson 10 9 10 10 10 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 61 96