Let the Cheating Begin

Markup Tags for < FONT... >

Here's the List:

1.) "< B >"&"< /B >" Does this - bold

2.) "< U >" & "< /U >" does this - underline

3.)"< I >" & "< I >" does this - italics

4.) "< S >" & "< /S >" does this - strikethrough

5.) "< BIG >" & "< /BIG >" Does this - enlarges font

6.) "< SMALL >" & "< /SMALL >" Does this - decreases font

7.) "< SUB >" & "< /SUB >" Does this - subscript

8.) "< SUP >" & "< /SUP >" Does this - superscript

for more info click here

Font Attribute Tags

1.) "< font size = x >" - changes the font size in direct relation to #(x) input

2.)"< font color = x >" - changes the font color in direct relation to the scheme # (x) input

Special Character Codes

start with '&' end with ';'


& eth ; is ð

& real ; is R

& reg ; is ®

& dagger ; is †

for more info click here

Indents and Bullets

< UL > indicates the beggining of a list

< LI > indicated the bullet points of the list


Types of Dogs:
  • Great Danes
  • Dobermins
  • Golden Retrivers
for more info click here


Look at Picture Effects Here


Look at Table Code Here