Orlando Polanco
Orlando Polanco
Phycisl Markup
- bold (b) makes text bold
- underlines (u) text
- Superscripted (sup) raise text
- breaks (br) text to the next line
- font (font) allows you to set the typeface
- Subscript (sub) lowers text
Logical Markup
- (em) emphasizes text
- (blockquote) starts a long quotation in text
- (p) makes paragraphs in text
Table Tags
- (table) starts a table
- (tr) makes a row
- (td)makes a colum
- (th)set the headings for the table
Table Properties
- (border) adds a border to the table
- (cellpadding) adds padding to the table
- (cellspacing) adds spacing to the table
- (align) allows you to set where you want to align the table
A1 |
B1 |
C1 |
D1 |
E1 |
F1 |
A2 |
B2 |
C2 |
D2 |
E2 |
A3 |
B3 |
C3 |
D3 |
A4 |
B4 |
C4 |
D4 |
E4 |
F4 |
A5 |
B5 |
C5 |
D5 |
E5 |
F5 |