Orlando Polanco


Orlando Polanco


Phycisl Markup

  1. bold (b) makes text bold
  2. underlines (u) text
  3. Superscripted (sup) raise text
  4. breaks (br) text to the next line
  5. font (font) allows you to set the typeface
  6. Subscript (sub) lowers text

Logical Markup

Table Tags

  1. (table) starts a table
  2. (tr) makes a row
  3. (td)makes a colum
  4. (th)set the headings for the table

Table Properties

  1. (border) adds a border to the table
  2. (cellpadding) adds padding to the table
  3. (cellspacing) adds spacing to the table
  4. (align) allows you to set where you want to align the table
  5. (caption) defines a table caption

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© X2 Orlando Polanco
There are five ol types
(1) (a) (A) (i) (I)
because A2 cover the space on where it would be (align) (alt) (border) (height) (width) (vspace)
ë ç æ å an address (http://) It converts names to IP addresses.
(Hello (BR CLEAR=ALL)(b)GoodBye(/b)(hr size="4" /) an alert box (window.alert("text");) a respone? it reads and displays it accordingly yes if it is running the correct script
B5 The middle is a point equally distant from horizontal both ends. Center places the objects left, right top and bottom edges equally distant from their respective edges.