
Welcome to the Forms page

This page is all about the different methods you can use to make a web-page form.

Some of the different things a form is used for is:

Pick a day of the week!

Form can be used to ask the user for any information that we want to be necessary for example

First Name Last Name Telephone Number Zip code

The thing about forms is that you can in put them into table
as well as make the information input into the forms submit.

First Name Last Name Telephone Number Zip code

Forms aren't limited to just tables and submit forms you can also use radio as well as check boxes to that limit a persons answer .

This the first of these limited answers is option forms is called a radio button.

It's mainly used in

With Checkbox buttons you can limit your Options to Yes or No
With Radio buttons we can limit the users choices based among a list of choices to narrow down out information for example:

How are you feeling today?

*Note one major difference between these form options is the fact that with a Checkbox form you can unclick any
previously clicked option. Also with checkboxes you can have more than 1 choice

With the Radio options you may need to reset the form all together in order to change your answers in the from you also are limited to one
choice per form.

Now if your wondering why we would want to limit a user answers. It's because sometimes we don't want a long drawn out answer to be input into our form
also no one wants to spend all day inputting information into forms it can be a trying and annoying process after a while hence the radio and check boxes.

There are also more then just button click forms you can make you forms have the option to have selected features what
this means is that you from can also make choices in your form be hidden and require the use to pull down a list of choices to choose from example:

Putting it together!

Caution If you have completed the previous form you may need to reset it in order to get this form to display information.
First Name
Last Name
What do you want to be when you grow up?

Pick A Color

What day is it?

Did you brush your teeth today?

Markups Images List Tables Forms There/JavaScript Here/A tags