"Here page"

There are tags in HTML5 that are not cosmetic their only purpose is to create links and methods to help the page or even take you to another page.

Using a special tag we call the A tag we can create a link between two pages. We use an a tag by writing (a href="this is where you put your html link")

Click this Link to get to the there page.

See that link up there it will take you to a the there page and that's it. An a tag is one of the most important tags we will use in writing a page
it makes web surfing much easier because it allows the used to go from one page to the next with having to go through the trouble of typing in
a who new page into the web address bar. You can also use the A tag to link to videos and clips like this

Click for a dancing gif

Another example


Using the A tag truly is one of the most important tags you will need. It can be used as a link or page anchor to bring you to the top
of a Webpage or even to take you to anther page entirely the following line is a link Anchor it will bring you to this sites homepage whenever clicked

It is called by using (A HERF="The page link that you are using will go here!") Here is where you would write the name of your anchor (/A)

This table here that allows you to go to another page is an example of the A tag at work. All of the below links use the A tag to determine where you want to go next.

Markups Images List Tables Forms There/JavaScript Here/A tags