There are 5 OL types they are:
- Numbers Ex: 1,2,3,
- Roman Numerals Uppercase EX: I, II, III
- Roman Numerals Lowercase EX: i, ii, iii
- Alphabetical Uppercase EX: A, B, C
- Alphabetical Uppercase EX: a, b, c,
Using the COLSPAN tag Column A2 was able to increase by taking over column B2 |
5 image tag properties
- Hspace
- Vpsace
Vspace=20 will give you 20 pixels of space vertically
The elasped time is 22 years
| The OnClick="alert" method
| It returns the webpage the client requested
| It takes the information a displays them as a webpage
| No sent webpages cannot change files on a client's disk