Shavaronn Thomas CST 161 Test #2

Shavaronn Thomas

CST 161

Test #2

Shavaronn Thomas

Physical Mark-ups
  1. The (U) tag gives you an underline
  2. The (I) tag makes Italics
  3. The (B) tag make things Boldfaced
  4. The (CENTER) tag moves things to the center of the page
  5. The (FONT COLOR=) tag will change whatever you specify to whatever color you specify
  6. The (H1) tag will changes things to the largest font size possible
    4 Tags used in making a table
  1. (TABLE) defines table tag to be used
  2. (TR) When you want to make a table row
  3. (TD) When you want to input information into a table cell
  4. (TH) When you want to give each table a heading
5 Table properties
  1. (align)
  2. (width)
  3. (bgcolor)
  4. (cellpadding)
  5. (cellspacing)

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
X ² Shavaronn Thomas
There are 5 OL types they are:
  • Numbers Ex: 1,2,3,
  • Roman Numerals Uppercase EX: I, II, III
  • Roman Numerals Lowercase EX: i, ii, iii
  • Alphabetical Uppercase EX: A, B, C
  • Alphabetical Uppercase EX: a, b, c,
Using the COLSPAN tag
Column A2 was able to increase
by taking over column B2
    5 image tag properties
  • Hspace
  • Vpsace
  • SRC
Vspace=20 will give you 20 pixels of space vertically
  • Á
  • É
  • í
  • Ó
The Anchor name HTTP DNS=Domain Name Service it turns a domain names to IP address
The elasped time is 22 years The OnClick="alert" method It returns the webpage the client requested It takes the information a displays them as a webpage No sent webpages cannot change files on a client's disk
(IMG SRC="dog.gif") Hello (BR) (B)Goodbye(/B) (HR size=4) (MIDDLE) is used to align images while (CENTER)is used to align text