[3] +++ date

[4] Your Name
CST 161

Test #1 (or #2 for takehome)
Your Name [8]


  1. B for boldface
  2. I tag for italics
  3. S tag for strikeout
  4. FONT tag for SIZE, FACE, or COLOR
  5. BIG for bigger text
  6. SUB and SUP tags for subscript and forsuperscript
[11] [Sorry, I displayed more than five, and of the the effects, even tho it said not to!]
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
[A1] © [B1] X2 [C1] Myfirstname [D1] Yourlastname [E1] [F1]
[A2] Five:
  1. 1
  2. A
  3. a
  4. I
  5. i
[B2] (Cell B2 does not exist!)
[C2] Because the COLSPAN=2 property
merged B2 into A2.
[D2] Five:
  1. SRC=
  2. HEIGHT=
  3. WIDTH=
  4. HSPACE=
  5. BORDER=
[E2] VSPACE=20

NOTE: This cell is 2x2

Ӓ ऩ ल ʧ ϧ
[B3] An "anchor" name
(defined by an A tag, somewhere within the page). [C3] http
[D3] ttranslates a domain name into IP-address
[B4] 23 (1969-1992) [C4] alert( .. ) [D4] HTML [E4] Paint the screen. [F4] No!
[A5] (IMG SRC="dog.gif" /) [B5] COLSPAN=3

Hello (br clear="all") (b)Goodbye(/b) (hr size="4" /)

[E5] Center is halfway between left and right sides.

Middle is halfway from top to bottom.