Justin Gonzalez

Justin Gonzalez
CST-161 Midterm


Justin Gonzalez

  1. The (B) tag makes things bold
  2. The (U) tag underlines things
  3. The (I) tag italicizes things.
  4. The (S) tag puts a line through the text
  5. the (font) tag allows you to change the properties of a line or multiple lines of font
  6. the (BIG) tag make the font size a little bigger.
  1. the (td) tag
  2. the (th) tag
  3. the (tbody)
  4. the (tr) tag are all tags that can be used to make a table
  1. align
  2. bgcolor
  3. width
  4. cellpadding
  5. cellspacing
one two three
four five six
seven eight nine
one two three
four five six
seven eight nine

© X 2 Justin Gonzalez
There are 5. upper-roman, lower-roman, upper-alpha, lower-alpha, decimal I dont know align, alt, border, src, width vspace
Ò, Þ, Ÿ, ü an anchor identifier i dont know the dns is used to translate domain names into ip addresses
about 25-30 years alert I dont know I dont know no
Middle is the horizontal measurement and center is the verticle measurement

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