
Markup Tags

The title tag gives the page a title

The b tag makes text bold

The i tag italicizes text

The u tag underlines text

The font tag will allow you to change the size,color, or font of text. To use the tag put font and the thing you want to change about the text after it
e.g. [font face = impact size = 5 color = red]

You can also change the appearance of the mouse cursor by putting style="cursor: cursorname" inside a tag
e.g.[font style="cursor: cursorname"]


Like with the cursor you can change the background color by putting bgcolor=colorname inside the tag
e.g. [body bgcolor = 2C2C2C]

There are six tags for headings

  1. h1 which looks like this

  2. h2 which looks like this

  3. h3 which looks like this

  4. h4 which looks like this

  5. h5 which looks like this
  6. h6 which looks like this