This is a heading of type1.




Mary had a little lamb.
She also had a bear.
This is normal text.

The following text is in italics but this is not

The next sentence is bold. This sentence is bold.

I wonder what the S tag does. Ok, let's try it.

This sentence is in quotes.

I am underlined.

Hi, I am subscript. Hi, I am superscript.


The ul tag is an unordered list and look like the following

The ol tag is an ordered list

  1. blue
  2. red
  3. yellow
  4. orange
  5. purple

These are entities

< this is a less than sign

> this is a greater than sign

& the is an and sign

a b this makes a space

© this is a copyright sign

This is a dictionary list

A military rank
A musical key type