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These letters have no "serifs". These letters have no "serifs".
Bold letters with no "serifs". Bold letters with no "serifs".
This line of text is magenta. This line of test is magenta.
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r 3
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      • . . .
      • ol { . . . }
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  1. Red Wine
    1. Cabernet
    2. Merlot
      1. Very Dry
      2. Sweet
    3. Malbec
  2. Silverware
    1. Knife
      1. Butter knife
      2. Steak knige
    2. Fork
      1. 4-prong
      2. 3-prong
    3. Spoon

  • Apples
    • Granny
    • Macintosh
  • Bannas


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