TO: Prof. FROM: Rodney Bordeaux SUBJECT: Final Weekly Report DATE: 2017 May 15 During the semester I have applied for at least 20 different internship positions and been to three total interviews. Each interview was a different experience and even though I was not accepted for the position I have learned many things. For starters, I realized that finding a internship is not as easy as I thought it would be. I needed to find a position that would fit my school schedule and allow me to work flexible hours. I also needed a position that would allow me to use what I have learned in school and would apply to the real world. My friend was able to get me one interview with TEKSystems, a company that offers you contracts based on what you are looking for and know, but I was not hired due to having school during the week. When preparing for any interview I woke up early to iron my attire, buy resume paper from staples and placed it into a nice folder with copies, and arrived to the interview early to avoid getting lost. Overall, this class has been a great experience. Guest speakers told us about all the opportunities they had and what they did. My classmates also shared their internship experience which told me a lot about the type of work they did there and how much of their studies had a impact on it. This was a fun class and learned very much from my professor, classmates, and guest speakers.