F I N A L R E P O R T To: Prof. Bam from: Gianny Pozo Subject: Final Report Date: 2017 May 11 Overall my experience so far at North Atlantic has been amazing. The biggest project I worked on being there was a little application I made on Zoho. I also did that little projects that presented through out different days such as testing if applications worked, figuring out why certain things weren't working, learning about certain applications, and the changes for the project in Zoho. My biggest project while working at North Atlantic has been an Application tracker that I made using Zoho. Zoho is a business website that lets people with little understating of coding make things like applications, websites, databases and such in order to keep track of their business. My supervisor let me know of this website and had told me he's never used it and he would like for me to make an application for HR and see what I think of it so they could use it in the future in other projects. Neither I or the people I worked with had any experience with Zoho so it was up to me to find how to use it and how useful it could be for my project. The project for HR was an application and a database to keep track of the applications send to Hr. I watched many videos in order to get the application exactly how I wanted it. Once I was done I showed HR what I had made and they loved since all they had been using so far was Excel and now they had a user friendly application. They had some changes that they wanted me to make, and some additions but they are currently using it which is a good feeling since I got to actually contribute in doing something for the company even if it's as little as an application for HR. Through out my time there I also did a lot of learning since I had only learned Java in school and they used c#. I had to watch some videos on it but they are a similar language so it wasn't too bad. Also I helped in little parts of different projects, one in particular was to check for mistakes in a new application they want to put out and if there was any to write down what it was and the patterns in order to fix the mistakes and see where the problems are. I feel as if Suffolk did get me prepared for this internship. At the Selden campus they focus so much on coding and that's a lot of what I had to do in my internship since it was a programming internship. While I didn't know all of what they were talking about I knew mostly or had some idea and it made it a lot easier to grasp the idea.