-0 pts - NOTE: There is a full example run of what was expected in the Announcement from Mar 18, 2021 12:00 AM. Your code will support these capabilities, as you have not hardcoded bucket paths and such - but the application delivered is 100% not user friendly. A user has to "know" by memory what the paths are to their bucket objects which is not really possible without logging into the AWS console or doing AWS CLI queries outside of your coded application. -10pts - Pylint score less than 8/10. Your code has been rated at 3.78/10 -10pts - The application has no error checking and will die when an error is encountered -5pts - The requirement required that you "Document your code with comments and use small functions as opposed to larger main functions". You have no functions, not even a main(). At a minimum, a main() is required to have a "proper" application. You have delivered a functionless "script" '1: Create bucket.' -5pts - ERROR CHECKING - First and Last name can only contain valid name characters (i.e. A-Z, a-z, and -). - You are not dynamically generating a bucket name based on user input and a random 6 digit number generated on the fly You may chose to correct the errors above and submit a revised assignment to earn 1/2 of the lost points above. Please let me know if you would like to take advantage of that grading opportunity. You need to resubmit before the solution is posted on April 7, 2021 @ 12:00AM ET Respectfully, Craig Poma Adjunct Assistant Professor