Emanuele Allegretta

CST 161

Links to all three parts of final

  1. Final Pt 1
  2. Final Pt 2
  3. Final Pt 3

Markup Tags

  1. The B tag makes bold text.
  2. The I tag makes italicized text.
  3. The U tag makes underlines text.
  4. The SUP makes text in superscript .
  5. The SUB makes text in subscript.
  6. The S tag makes text with strike through.
  7. The EM tag emphasizes text.
  8. The STRONG tag makes text strong.
  9. The P tag creates Paragraphs.
  10. The IMG tag is used to display images, usually followed by SRC and then URL.
  11. The BLINK tag makes stuff blink.
  12. The H tag makes headings, usually followed by a number.
  13. The TABLE tag starts a table.

    Heading tags:

    1. The biggest heading uses an H1 tag.
    2. The next biggest heading uses an H2 tag.
    3. The third biggest heading uses an H3 tag.
    4. The fourth biggest heading uses an H4 tag.
    5. The fifth biggest heading uses an H5 tag.
    6. The smallest heading uses an H6 tag.

    Different kind of lists:

    1. Ordered list is introduced by a OL tag; types:
      • type I = uppercase roman numerals
      • type i = for lowercase roman numerals
      • type A = for uppercase letters
      • type a = for lowercase letters
      • type 1 = for numbers

    Dictionary list begins with the DL tag, and also uses these tags:

    DT dictionary term
    DD dictionary definition
    1 ABC DEF
    * Z #