Project 1: A collection of Mark-up tags
The b tag makes text bold as such
The i tag makes text italicized
This is heading 1
This is heading 2
This is heading 3
This is heading 4
This is heading 5
This is heading 6
The img src tag inserts an image, like the one above.
Use HR to divide with a line ("horizontal rule")
The strike tag makes text appear with a line through it
Maybe you want to have subtext text, use the sub tag to make text likethis
Use the sup tag to super script text
Project 1: A collection of Mark-up tags
The b tag makes text bold as such
The i tag makes text italicized
This is heading 1
This is heading 2
This is heading 3
This is heading 4
This is heading 5
This is heading 6
Use HR to divide with a line ("horizontal rule")
The strike tag makes text appear with a line through it
Maybe you want to have subtext text, use the sub tag to make text likethis
Use the sup tag to super script text