A link is the most distinguished feature of the World Wide Web. A link has three main features
A destination-Arguably the most important. You use it to specify what will happen when the visitor clicks the link. The desination can be a video, play a sound, run a cgi program among other options. They usually lead to other web pages but to go to a specific part of the smae page you are on or a specific part of a different page that link is called an Anchor
A Label-Is the part the visitor sees and clicks on to reach the destination. It can be text, an Image or both
A Target-Is often ignored or left up to the browser and determines where the destination will be displayed. The target might be a particular named window or frame, or a new window or frame.
Type ( < ) a href="page.html" (>) where page.html is the URL of the destination Web page
Type the label text,that is, the text that is highlighted (usually blue snd underlined.) and when clicked upon willtske the user to the page referenced in step 1.
Type(<)/a(<>) to complete the definition of the link.
Creating Anchors
Place the cursor in the part of the Web page that you wish to jump to
Type (<(<)a name="anchor name"(<), where anchor name is the text you will use internally to idetify that section of the Web page.
Add the words or images thst you wish to be referenced.
Type (<)/a() to complete the definition of the anchor.
Link to a specific Anchor
Type (<)a href="#anchor name"(>), where anchore nameis the value of the name attribute in the destination's a tag (Step 2) or the value of the destinations id attribute.
Typw the label text, that is, the text that is highlighted(usually blue and underlined),and that when clicked upon will take the user to the section referenced in step 1.
Type (<)/a(>) to complete the definition of the link.
Targeting Links to specific Windows
Within the link definition type target="windows", where window is the name of the window where the corresponding page should be displayed.
Set default target
In the head seaction of your Web page, type (<)base.
Type target="title",where title is the name of the window or frame in which all the links on the page should be opened, by default.