Welcome For Lists & Headings

Lists may be created and manipulated in many ways. Some you can choose the layout and way in which they are presented (Roman Numeral, a, A, i, I, Circles, Squares etc.)
Lets take a look at our first list (OL>ul>OL).

List of Items to complete for week(h3)

  1. Finish Project For Web design
  2. Email Professor
    • Don't forget to do this step
      1. If incomplete by 05/06/2015 speak with professor
      2. Pray really hard for good grade
    • No really it is important
  3. Review what is already completed
Sometimes all you need is a smaller text.
This is when the Higher numbered headings (H6) come in handy

Headings can be a very useful tool to easily emphasize/stress importance of a particular amount of Text. Below are some examples. Even the title is H1

Below is a Description List all right justified. Will look silly

Largest Heading
Smallest Heading
Let us view a different List configuration (UL>OL>UL)
  • Item 1
    1. Nested Item 1
      • Twice Nested Item 1
    2. Nested Item 2
      • Twice Nested Item 2
    • Item 3