Welcome To Markup & Layout Tags

Markup Tag Explanation Example of Markup
<b> Used for Bold text Example
<em> Used for emphasized text This part in parentheses is Emhasized (EMPHASIZED)
<i> Used for italics Example
<mark> Used to highlight a section of text Note the Text in Parentheses (This text is highlighted/Marked)
<small> Used to create smaller text Example
<strong> Used to have section of text stanf out from others Note what is written in Parentheses compared to surrounding Text (Example)
<sub> Used for subscripting example example
<sup> Used for superscripting exampleExample
To use Entities: Type '&' the code and ';'
Entities and their associated codes
& - amp < - lt > - gt
© - copy ® - reg ™ - trade
Layout tag Explanation
<P> Often used in order to create a paragraph on a webpage.
<BR> Used when you wish to create a 'Line Break'. Anything following will be placed on a new line.
<PRE> Used when you wish to have information presented exactly as it was typed.
<HR> Used when you wish to seperate content on your page. Usually displayed as a line and can have style changes done as the programmer wishes. (Color, thickness, etc.)
<H1> Heading Tag Used for emphasis of Text and appears bolded.This is the Largest of the Heading tags.
<H6> Heading Tag Used for emphasis of Text and appears bolded.This is the smalled of the heading tags available.