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This page show some Images and some of the images tags, hope it helps.
The IMG tag defines a Image.
The SCR attribute defines the Image file name.
The ALT attribute defines an alternative text.
The IMG TITLE attribute names the images.
The WIDTH and HEIGHT attribute defines the Image size.
NOTE :"That these are some Example of Images in different locations on the page."
NOTE :"That when you move the mouse over the image it will pop up what it is."
When Images are in the Center of the page.
When Image is on the Left of the page.
When Image is on the Right of the page.
When Images are on the Side Line of the page.
NOTE :"This is what happens if you don't have the correct URL for the image."
This is an example of a Images with Animation.
The ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT tags can change text, color, and/or images when your mouse move over it.
NOTE :"Changing an images to one another"
Have fun using HTML and good luck.