Markups | Lists & Heading | Images | Links | Tables | Forms |
This page show Listing & Heading and some Listing & Heading tags, hope it helps.
The H1 tag is for your First Heading, like this:
The H2 is for your Second Heading, like this:
The H3 is for your Third Heading, like this:
The H4 is for your Forth Heading, like this:
The H5 is for your Fifth Heading, like this:
The LI tag is to make a List Item.
The UL tag is to make a Unordered List, like this:
The "list-style-type:disc" tag with be Marked with Bullets(default), like this:
The "list-style-type:circle" tag with be Marked with Circles, like this:
The "list-style-type:square" tag with be Marked with Squares, like this:
The "list-style-type:none" tag with Not be Marked, like this:
The OL tag is to make a Ordered List, like this:
The type="1" tag with be numbered with number(default), like this:
The type="A" tag with be numbered with Uppercase letters, like this:
The type="a" tag with be numbered with Lowercase letters, like this:
The type="I" tag with be numbered with Uppercase Roman numbers, like this:
The type="i" tag with be numbered with Lowercase Roman numbers, like this:
The DL tag is to make a Description List.
The DT tag is to make a Term in a description list.
The DD tag is to make a Description in a description list, like this:
NOTE :"This is an Example of an Nested list."
NOTE :"This is an Example of an List with some STYLE tags and List Tags."
The Great American Novel
Have fun using HTML and good luck.