Why hello there all! I sincerely hope you enjoy your
stay while loitering about my most well "at least in
my opinion" crafted home page. Here you will find
an assortment of links to fulfill your html
learning needs. This includes pages such as markups,
where you will learn some basic tagging. Images, what to
do with them and where to place them. Links, and the
natural and un-natural mystery surrounding them.
Lists, so you may learn the true joy of trying to
explain something in order, and have those steps
completely and utterly ignored by the common folk.
Not to mention the fascinating field of tables and
their uses in every day culture... that you can
figure out for yourself and finale forms. Which will
grant you the power to not have to socialize with low
squeaky voiced persons over a phone. For sometimes
depressingly useless information that your boss and or
client may want for a variety of reasons, which include
making your life miserable. THROW A PARTY, CAUSE THIS SITE +
"additional help from w3schools" will have you learning html
in no time!