There are 5 different types of "type="?"" for ordered list, which are listed below.
type="1" List: numbered.
type="A" numbered, uppercase.
type="a" numbered with lowercase letters
type="I" numbered with uppercase roman numbers
type="i" numbered with lowercase roman numbers
An ordered list:
- invade planet.
- capture leader.
- fight resistance.
- win maybe?
There are 4 different type of "list-style-type" for the unordered list.
list-style-type:disc marked with bullets = default
list-style-type:circle marked with circles
list-style-type:square marked with squares
list-style-type:none will not be marked
An unordered list
- log in.
- clock in.
- log off.
- clock off.
- begin your day at work.
The last is description lists. Its a list used to define something.
There is only one. DL will start the list. DT will name what you want to describe and
DD will write the description.
- Insanity
- repeating something over and over and over and over and over again... that is insanity.
I now present nested lists as per project outline orders.
- Take a bottle.
- Fill it with your favorite drink
- get happy
- forget your troubles, common get happy.
- chase all your cares away.
- shout hallelujah common get happy
- hallelujah
- "god be praised"
- get ready for the judgment day!
- tomato
- onion
- carrot
- muffins?
- soda?
- just kidding, that stuff is terrible for you.